Recently, an email hit my inbox, featuring a set of Photoshop actions that emulated Instagram effects.
Oh for the love of all that is holy, is this what we’ve been reduced to?
We’ve become such an instant-gratification oriented society… my own timeline is filled with more cell phone photos than you can shake a stick at. And most of them are not very good – snapshots, if you will. And some of them were done through Instagram. With effects.
Because I’ve become lazy. Because it’s easier to whip out the cell phone that is usually stuck in my back pocket than it is to constantly carry a big-girl camera. Funny story – I entered a cell phone photo in an image competition and scored a 79. It’s probably the 79 I’m most embarrassed about.
Yet, I digress.
Back to laziness…. I’ve let myself go, photographically speaking. I think I should change that. I’ve worked very hard to refine the skills that I have, yet I fail to exercise that talent on a regular basis with the best tools I own.
So – my resolution for 2013 is to stop using my cell phone camera.
Anyone want to join in?
I just got a cell phone with a camera. That's right, my first cell phone with a camera, in 2013. o_O I've always believed though, that if I want to take a picture I have cameras for that. I'm guessing I will fall into the pitfall cell phone camera photos at some time.
I'm still going to use mine, but I'm going to shoot more 4×5 film as well. Not lazy there.