
#14 in the series, 30 Ways of Wootness.

One of the early lessons I learned was about overshooting. Oh. My. Gosh. My early years where one hour sessions resulted in 400 captures kept me busier than I wanted to be on the computer and session proofing became a chore I greatly despised. I don’t know what the heck was wrong with me, but I wound up with 6-8 shots of each variation of each post. What a horror! In the beginning, I remember being hard put to come up with 50 proofs. Oh man. The memories are bad.

But, over the years, I’ve vastly improved, so the number of viable captures has increased, but I’ve also started shooting with a purpose. I will refine the pose, background, lighting etc before I push the shutter at all. It results in way less images captured per session, but darn near 100% are saleable. It results in less images to cull through for the final selection and the opportunity to present the best of the best. Less work, less stress.

In order to keep myself in-check, I use 2G cards for my sessions. They only hold 120 or so images from my camera, which is way more than a one hour session should result in using the shooting method I now employ. If my camera stops shooting because the card is full, I know I’m overshooting. 2G cards help me reign in my “spray and pray” tendencies, you know?


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