It’s late, and I really ought to have headed off to bed by now, but today’s to-do list had write post about resolutions on it and so here we are.

As I get older, the holidays and days of significance are, well, less significant. It’s been a good many years since I’ve gone out and celebrated New Year’s and at this point it’s just another Thursday, except my husband gets the day off work. In the middle of the week. Who do I talk to about getting this one shifted to Friday? Because we’d much rather have a 3 day weekend, thank you very much.

And so it only makes sense that my inclination to hash out this whole resolution thing is less enthusiastic with each passing year.


I know, right?

A few years ago Mr. Wootness made a resolution to drink more red wine. I’m pretty sure that’s the same year he gave up Lentils for Lent.

And while those are novel ideas (and a sign of a much more warped sense of humor than mine), I’ve just never approached the whole resolution thing from that angle.

Perhaps I should.

Part of me is thinking I should do the bright shiny sunrise oh goody goody we are SO going to have party! resolution.

It would be what would be expected from someone who does some of the things I do – you  know – with the needing to be a good example/mentor thing. But it wouldn’t be real, or honest.

And besides, it’s late, and I don’t have the energy for rah! rah! kumbaya!

So perhaps sitting up late tonight, when there’s nothing but darkness outside the window, and I’m feeling fairly tired, and not very sunshiny at all – maybe this is when the real resolutions are penned. Before the dawn. In the dark and cold and tired, we see ourselves, probably as realistically and as practically as possible. We know our limits and our energies.

There are certainly things I need to fix and change and do better. There are things I need to do more often and some that I need to do less. And some that I shouldn’t be doing at all.

But this is life. And these are every day awarenesses (awarenessi?) that take continual work and improvement, and not something I should be saving up or putting off to attack once a year.

So, I guess this year I’m not really doing the resolution thing. I’ll just continue to try to do things each day as best as I can and a little bit better than the day before.

happy new year and goodnight,



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