The days are oozing along and in a few sleeps, I will be heading two hours away to begin setting up for the PP of Ohio’s annual convention, which is also the site of the 2015 Northeast District Image Competition.
I’ve had my case done for awhile, but as is the way with me, I had a change of mind and made a couple of substitutions at the last minute.
I ordered a new print. It was waiting for me today (beneath the dog biscuit), but I didn’t like it and I’ve ordered a re-print. It’s all I can do as the upload file has been locked into place and cannot be changed.
*big sigh*
Part of me is happy with my changes, and part of me wants to kick myself in the you-know-what for not leaving well enough alone.
I’ve been talking with my competitor friends and we’ve been tossing around theories about pushing out of our boxes and trying new things.
And that’s where I’m at. Trying new things, and not being very confident with where that will land me.
I shall hand-carry my case to Columbus, Ohio this Thursday. It will contain whichever of the reprints I deem best and I shall hope that my change of heart doesn’t result in too much disappointment.
So – for the next few days I’m gonna take some deep breaths and think about other things.