I recently returned from Bozeman, Montana, the location of the 2015 Montana PPA convention. Aside from the location, I could swear I’d been in Ohio, except I didn’t know any of the faces or names of those around me.
It’s delightful to meet a group of people that are more friends and family than colleagues. The Montana group is on the small side, compared to my home state, but their hearts are extremely large.
This was the first time I flew to another state convention and from the very beginning, my trip and details were handled with the utmost care. Business Manager Heather Parker booked my flight and hotel and basically was a sweet little sister during the convention, always armed with a smile and inquiry as to my well-being. Even though she was supremely busy with all things convention, she still made time to check in with me. When she learned I was hankering for some cowboy bling to take home as a souvenir, she introduced me to member Lissa Barber, who facilitated a quick shopping trip to downtown Bozeman, complete with fancy coffee, rhinestones and coveting a $7000 lens at the local camera store. Thank you for your hospitality, ladies !
Heather is on the left, with member Bill Blake and incoming president Jamie Walters. Jamie was my initial contact with the Montana group and represents the group solidly; professional, detail-oriented and lots of fun. LOTS of fun! Thank you so much for inviting me to Montana and teaching me about bull puppies. I wish you the best as you lead Montana PPA during 2015/16.
The day before judging, I was treated to a visit to the studio of Kathy Wierda. She kindly opened her doors and hosted Dennis Hammon’s class on Saturday. I was impressed and delighted by her studio. This creamy feminine corner especially caught my interest. If you have not yet visited Kathy’s studio, you are surely missing out on a good bit of inspiration, from the gallery-sized art on her walls to the expertly-appointed studio – this place is the bomb!
Kathy was named the 2015 Master Photographer of the Year with a delightful collection of images and was also presented with the ASP Elite award. Thank you Kathy for sharing your studio and congratulations on your well-deserved achievements!
I would be remiss if I did not mention a fellow that I think deserves extra claps on the back; Ross Magnuson. Ross achieved his Certified Professional Photographer designation just three short weeks before convention. Just in time to qualify for the Highest Scoring Image by a CPP award. Which he won. And then he went on to be named Montana’s Photographer of the Year. Way to go, Ross!. That’s Wootness, right there! You are a perfect example of someone utilizing the pathway to success that I outlined in my presentation!
Ross is shown here, receiving his award from Montana CPP Liaison, Tina Haines. Tina extended a lovely welcome to me before I’d even left Ohio. I loved that she reached out and welcomed a fellow CPP Liaison and I’ll be making sure I follow her lead in my own state 🙂 [I also adored her sense of humor and wonder if the PPA knows they’re breeding stand-up comedy acts among their CPP representatives.]
And last, but not least, special recognition goes to the young lady on the left, Melissa Reynolds. She is shown here with fellow print crew member, Rebecca. Melissa not only ran the print room like a boss, she went to the stage a number of times to accept awards for her images. Perhaps it’s the print room boss in me, but I felt a special appreciation for her. She ran the competition seamlessly, even though she was utilizing a brand new scoring system as well as running a digital competition for the first time in addition to the print competition. All while juggling the responsibilities of the mother of a newborn. You go girl! Wootness 5 star award for you!
These folks are just a few of the special ones – there were many more members who made my trip memorable. I engaged in delightful conversations almost constantly and was made to feel a real part of the Montana group, not just a visiting judge and speaker. Montana now has a permanent place in my heart and I will always be a bit of “rancher girl” deep down inside. 🙂
Thanks so much for your kind words, Christine! We were so happy you could be a part of our convention this year! And I will agree, our Montana group is extra special 🙂 Come back again soon!