Releases: Copyright vs Print vs Model

Put your brains in gear – it’s Manic Monday and time to wrap your head around some terms that are used interchangeably and incorrectly. First of all, NEVER use the term “copyright release.” You will probably NEVER be in a position of someone wanting to purchase full and permanent rights to one of your photographs. …

Syndicate your posts with Networked Blogs

So, today is Social Sunday. The time when we chat about social media, website, blogs and anything having to do with the WWW. A LOT of time can be spent, err… wasted….on social media.One of the biggest (legitimate) time suckers is populating all of your social media sites with your latest blog post. You SHOULD …

Your mission, should you choose to accept it.

You’ve just let me know that you are going to pursue photography on a more professional level. So, this is where we sit down and chat, you and I. And we go over your performance so far and we talk about how you’re doing. And we decide what you need to improve on. And sometimes …

Thinkin’ about Facebook files, copyrights, and watermarks, oh my…

Welcome to our first Thinkin’ Thursday. This is the day when we cut to the chase, put our feet up, sip on our favorite hot beverage and nosh on the topic du jour. Everybody always has questions about low res files, putting files on Facebook, watermarks and clients who cut them off, etc, etc, etc. …

Wootness™ is…waking up tomorrow

I was in the middle of writing this article about 6 hours ago, when I got a phone call that my 26-year-old son had collapsed at work. The squad had been called, and because the heart monitor showed an abnormality that indicated he was in the middle of having a heart attack, he was transported …

Organizing your digital photography files to match your workflow

I’m the queen of obsessive-compulsive organization, so hold onto your hats! My way may seem like overkill, but I can guarantee you that you will never lose another file AND you will never forget WHERE in the workflow process you are with a client. When you first start into photography, you don’t realize how quickly …

Have your website evaluated with

Oh, looky there, as of 10/08/11 at 6 PM the Wootsite scored an 81! If you read this article at a later date, the score will hopefully have increased as I continue to work on the site. (I’ve been through this process before and I’m quite pleased that we’re at an 81 after only 34 …

You are NOT the hired photographer!… Part 2

So, when we last talked, our little photographer “friend” had spent an entire wedding being in our way, holding things up, interfering and then posted hundred of photos on Facebook. (If you missed Part 1, please click HERE). So, now what? Well, now we backtrack and review what happened and what we, as photographers could …

Groupon: Been There, Done That, Got the T-Shirt AND the Keychain

Yup – I jumped on the Groupon bandwagon. Sort of. Last September I ran an ad for a 1 hour session and 3 digital files for a ridiculously low price. I already had a headshot special for 1 hour and 2 files, so I based the price on that and then discounted it 50%. Mistake …