State and Local Professional Organizations

As you are reading this, I am traveling across the state of Ohio to spend the day and evening with two different professional organizations. First up is the Board of Directors’ meeting for the Professional Photographers of Ohio in Columbus and then on to Kettering, where I will be speaking to the Professional Photographers of …

What is YOUR Moral Code?

No snarkiness here, today*. I’d like to talk about a subject that means much to me and defines who I am and how I conduct my daily life and my business. What, exactly, is a moral code? Well according to, some other words you might substitute for moral code are: value system code of …

Who is counting your money?

If the answer is anything but *I AM!* we need to chat. I don’t care how busy you are. I don’t care how much you trust your employees. I don’t care if your employees are family members, long-time good friends or your own mother. If you do not at least double-check all financial paperwork and …

The only five models you will ever need.

You’re going to read over and over again about how you should NOT be practicing your skills on paying clients. At least you’ll hear it from me. I’ll lecture on that, later, but for now, I’m going to tell you about the five models you will need to get chummy with while you are learning …

Studio & Business Bootcamp

Before you start rolling your eyes and muttering “I KNEW she’d get around to selling something!” – I want to make it perfectly clear that I do not make one cent from teaching this class. All fees are paid to the PPA and that’s where they stay. Twice a year, on a Monday, almost 100 …

Bed sheets belong on beds!

 If you have decided to try your hand at studio photography, you have probably had to deal with getting a background. And yes, some of those backgrounds are high dollar. And you probably looked around and figured out that you could get a king-sized bed sheet at the dollar store for $12. Ha ha! You …