I understand, in my “particular” ways, the need to have every single thing exactly correct before I click the shutter. And sometimes I wonder if I’m setting myself up for failure if I refuse to shoot unless everything is perfect. I’ve challenged myself in the past, and now I do it purposely, to let that …
Category Archives: From the Heart
Guyda’s Vase
It began it’s non-retail store shelf life as an anniversary present to my husband’s parents on their fiftieth anniversary. And several years past their sixtieth anniversary, after they had both passed away, it was returned to me. I think my mother-in-law may have thought it was a bit of an outrageous gift; she was a …
Silly Old Grandmother with Pictures in Purse
Fifty years ago, a woman received this photo album as a gift from her daughter-in-law. A gift, in part, to commemorate the birth of the family’s first grandchild; a baby girl. A gift that, by the looks of it, was carried for years, treasured, and looked at often. At least that’s how I imagine it. …
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To the Wise Women…
Although I’m not what you’d call a “religious” person, I have a certain degree of appreciation for the world philosophies that embrace the roles of women, especially those in roles of teachers and mentors. In some belief systems there are “wise women” who guide younger women and are highly respected for their experience and knowledge. …
The Speech I Forgot to Make
Four evenings ago, a small group of photographers, past recipients of the PPA National Award, lined up at the front of a ballroom in a Columbus, Ohio convention center. As they stood in line, ready to welcome a new member to their group, their total number of years in the photographic industry was staggering, their …
Inspiration & Personal Projects
Oh, hello! Brush the dust off the chair and take a load off. It’s been awhile, hasn’t it? It’s 2014 and I didn’t bother with the resolution nonsense, it never amounts to much and with my ADD personality… let’s just say weekly resolutions are more my speed. I spent last week in Phoenix, AZ for …
Dear R:
Dear R: I have this thing, this cold piece of metal that once belonged to you. At one point in time it served as a lighter, but try as I might, (and being your granddaughter, I mightily tried), I was unable to set it to working order. So, it sits. And I wonder… where did …
Letters Behind Your Name: Right vs. Privilege
The title of this article is a bit misleading, as the space allotted to the right of having letters behind your name will be minimal. It’s not a debatable topic. Every set of letters has a requirement; if you met those requirements, you are entitled/have a right to slap those babies behind your name and …
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Electronic Media and the Dying Art of Communication
I’m changing things up. Texts and emails are out. Handwritten notes and phone calls are in. I’m ditching devices and emails for convenience and replacing with personal service. It’s got to be an improvement over where things are right now. I miss phone calls. And letters. And people that just knock on the door because …
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Confession: I Used to be a Canon Girl
Today I was doing a Google search on my name, just checking to see what showed up in the image search, and this blast from the past showed up: Wow! This is an image I shot somewhere in the early 1990’s. I was walking around my yard, saw a leaf on the ground, ran in …