IPC 2013: The Journey of an Image – from Inspiration to Loan Collection

Last summer I shot a session that’s been 11 years in the planning. Let me back up. I took this photo in April 2001. Mr. Wootness and I were on the trip of a lifetime to Ireland. We were warmly ensconced within the tea room at Aillwee Caves in County Clare. This was our first …

IPC 2013: “Be Somebody’s Hero”

While a lot of you are still on pins and needles, awaiting your International Photographic Competition (IPC) results, I am tucked firmly in a blanket of post-IPC glow. I’m sure the spark will be revved up again later today when the official results are posted, but for now I am happy to float in warm …

Wootness: Pop-Tarts, K-Cups and Judging School

Oh, it’s about time for a little Wootness injection and update, isn’t it? As I puttered around in my kitchen just now, making my *favorite* kind of Pop-Tart… what?…you don’t know what my favorite kind of Pop-Tart is? Well, you know, people have often asked me what kind of Pop-Tart is my favorite and I …

Dear Jon: a letter to my son as he inherits my first digital camera…

Dear Jon, ah, screw that… Dude, You now possess the thing that unleashed the demon within me, my first digital camera. Now that it’s yours, here’s some pointers: Try not to drop it, it’ll probably break. Keeping a strap on it will help with that. Keep the battery charged or at least don’t lose the …

From the Pinterest Files…

I’ve been doing a lot of research into projects that can be made with photographs. It seems that this is the day and age of the do-it-yourself-crafter and why not help our clients along in their decorating endeavors by suggesting projects they could make out of photographs from our sessions? Good idea, eh? Well, that …

The Most Honest Advice You’re Gonna Get

Not sure if ur willing to give me any tips but any suggestions would be great im gonna do some photography on the side to make some extra money and a better camera just starting this up im having trouble deciding prices on pics if u could give me some ideas that would be great …

Wootness on Weddings… “I Do?” or “I Don’t”?

Oh, joy of joys, it’s wedding season. Or at least it is where I live. This will be the 7th year I’ve photographed weddings. I hear that’s a little longer than most, so I guess I’ve beat the odds. Somewhat. I’ve wrestled with whether or not to keep weddings on my menu and I hear …

It’s Just Not Funny, Any More…

In the beginning, Wootness was a fun way to poke fun at myself and cause laughter among other photographers who could relate and hopefully, to educate some newer photographers that were in the middle of making the same mistakes. After 2.5 years of writing over 250 articles and almost 200 cartoons, I find myself at …

Bullies on the Competition Playground

There’s some crap going on out there that disappoints me, greatly. Through my involvement in print competition I’ve met many photographers whose work I admire, highly. And for along time, I admired them highly, too.  But over the years, I’ve observed some behaviors and heard some words from those I admire that didn’t reflect very …

Are Photography Instructors Helping or Harming the Industry?

Now before you get your panties in a wad and get all offended, hear me out… I was recently contacted by a college-level instructor who teaches introductory classes in photography and Adobe Photoshop. Her message (in part, identifying comments removed): … It seems like every student that takes my class has already started a photography …