The high road vs the road to the bank. You decide.

For the past few years, the photography industry has been flooded. Absolutely flooded. With photographers, with choices, with product lines ranging from the dirt cheap to the merely ridiculous. When I began analyzing the market for my entrance into it, it didn’t look like this. But while I was busy learning and prepping to open …

An open letter to new photographers

At some point in time, you decided you could make some money at photography. That’s great. Really. Photography is a cool occupation. I like it a lot and I’m glad when others discover they like it a lot, too. At the point that you begin to accept money for your work, you have entered the …

5 Truths from a Photographer…

Do you feel under pressure? Now that you’re a photographer? Or now that you’ve loudly proclaimed to all who will listen that you have a passion for photography and you are going into business? Yeah, guilty. Truth #1: Sometimes I just want to take a photo like a tourist. I’ll make sure everything’s in focus, …

Embrace your inner MWAC…

MWAC…we say it and we sneer. We jeer when Missy pronounces it the way she does and we roll our eyes when someone says they’re proud to be one. MWAC, DWAC, GWAC…they all mean the same…someone with a camera. We scoff and pronounce ourselves professional photographers and move on. But maybe, just maybe these chicks …

So long, 2011. Don’t let the door hit you on the ass…

Yeah yeah yeah. I’m supposed to be all optimistic and think positively about the new year. Screw that. All I can say is “so long, good riddance.” 2011 frankly, sucked. For a lot of reasons. Business-wise, it was a toss-up. Business was down, but I’m in tune with the reasons why. On a personal level, …

Put on a Belt & Lose Some Weight

Be warned that this is a line of personal thinking that led to mini-epiphany about my business, so hang in there – I do have a point. Let’s talk about fashion. Me? Fashion? [pause for laughter] Let’s just say that once upon a time, my friend Karen admitted to being tempted to submitting my name …

I’m not all that and a bag of chips.

Newsflash: I’m not all that and a bag of chips. I ain’t even the bag of chips by itself. Recently, I had some email correspondence with a reader. After I replied,  the response read, in part: OMG, thank you so much. I did not think you would write me back. Wow, really? Now, this isn’t …