I think it’s great to have photog crushes. I have a lot of them. I’m happily (VERY happily) married, so my crushes are all about photographic ability. I’m an active member of the Professional Photographers of Ohio and am lucky enough to have been elected as a trustee on the board of directors for 2011-2014. …
Category Archives: From the Heart
Who do I think I am?
I’m skipping “Social Sunday” this week. Or maybe I’ll write one later today. But for now, there’s this. Who do I think I am? I know I am 48 and when I was 45, I was forced to change careers. A risky thing for a woman to do at my age. There was downsizing, I …
Dear Craigslist Dude Doug…
Guest blogger Nicole was hot on the latest WWW happenings when she forwarded me the below CraigsList advertisement (don’t try to read this photo – check the typed-out translation below): For those without their reading glasses handy, it says: Photographer Looking for People to Do Their Jobs without Pay (Atlanta) I am a photographer and …
Every day on Facebook, I see a ton of those holier-than-thou you-suck-if-you-don’t-copy-and-paste-this-as-your-status stati. This one made me stop and think. Instead of metaphorically speaking, apply this concept to your pricing: If you’re not being treated with love and respect, check your price tag. Perhaps you have marked yourself down. It’s YOU who tells people what …
Testing 1…2…3…
[cc_full_width_col background_color=”f1f1f1″ shadow_color=”888888″ radius=”6″]Don’t freak out – you’re going to see some different formats and layouts over the next few days while I revamp the blog template. While I love the magazine format, it’s just not wide enough for the content. So – I’ll be testing some stuff over the next few. If you see …
Wootness is: The best day EVER…
Monday, September 12, 2011 5 AM – After 5 hours of sleep, I get up and continue to work on a presentation I need to give in the evening. 8AM – Drive 2 hours to the board meeting of the Professional Photographers of Ohio. Arrive 25 minutes late. Stop in the restroom to check my …
I am not making fun of you.
Well, it seems that my last article (You are not a lifestyle photographer) caused some hurt feelings. So let me explain something. I am not making fun of you.
You are not a lifestyle photographer…
OK, back to shedding light on the cold, hard truth and ticking off photographers everywhere…. Do you want to know what goes through a photographer’s brain when they see the term “lifestyle photographer” ? Too bad, I’m gonna tell you, anyway.
Why Am I Doing This?
I’ve gotten some feedback from some folks since the starting up of Wootness.net. Most of it has been overwhelmingly positive, but I’ve had a few people just not “get” why I am doing this. They think I’m educating my competition and making the problem worse. Maybe I am, maybe I’m not. It’s still a little …
What is YOUR Moral Code?
No snarkiness here, today*. I’d like to talk about a subject that means much to me and defines who I am and how I conduct my daily life and my business. What, exactly, is a moral code? Well according to Thesaurus.com, some other words you might substitute for moral code are: value system code of …