IPC2017 – Competition as Trauma Therapy

Trigger warning: This post contains photographs that some may find disturbing For the last year and a half I’ve removed myself to the fringes of the photographic & print competition communities. Over time, my voice has gone quiet in a number of ways. I stepped down from most of my volunteer roles. I stopped teaching, …

My IPC 2016 Challenge Entry: mandalas (a non-event album)

When I teach about photographic competition, I talk about utilizing it to challenge myself to learn a new skill, or improve upon a skill that I’m having trouble wrapping my head around. This year was no different. When I create a competition entry to specifically address a personal/skill weakness, I call it a “Challenge Entry”. …

Countdown to IPC 2016; What’s in *YOUR* Case?

  ***NOT SAFE for IPC 2016 JUDGES!!!!*** ***I repeat, if you are an IPC 2016 Juror, you need to turn back now!!!*** Well, howdy there! How have you been? If your life is anything like mine – you’ve been so busy you haven’t been able to take a breath. Or get your IPC entries done. …

Be more brave – Photographic competition and personal work

It’s been awhile. You and I. It’s almost like we’re having an affair, with how little we meet these days. I can give you all kinds of blah blah, but the honest truth is that I’ve been afraid. I’ve come to recognize that my hands are an extension of my heart when they’re poised over …

See the Difference: From MWAC to M.Photog.

*MWAC = Mom with a camera, M. Photog. = Master Photographer I am impressed by befores and afters. If someone is trying to convince me of the results and effectiveness of their methods or system, I want proof. Just like the diet and exercise infomercials, it’s all just blah blah blah until I see the …

IPC 2015: Diamond – The Goal I Didn’t Reach

So. here we are. Are we going to do that awkward dance around the subject? Nah. Earlier this year, I made it public that my personal goal for IPC was to “go Diamond.” Original article HERE. That did not happen. Now, I’m not going to beat myself up about it, I came pretty close, with …

IPC2015: “And… Scene!” | The Aftermath

  #IPC2015 Wow. THE event of the year for some of us. If that  confuses you, go away and come back tomorrow, I’ve got some competition addicts to chat with today. So. How are you all feeling? I’m feeling a little bit weird. As usual. I’m reminded of a time from my past. For a …

IPC 2015: My Images have Been Judged, Now What? [Part 1]

The morning of Day 3 of the 2015 International Photographic Competition (hereafter known as IPC2015 and sometimes #IPC2015) has dawned. Early morning birdies are bellowing songs of joy and abandon. Obviously they don’t have images being judged or they wouldn’t be so bloody happy… But anyways… Some of you are just as happy as those …

IPC 2015 | the waiting begins…

Not too long ago I registered my entries for IPC 2015 and pushed that final little button that sent them on to the netherland of waiting until August 3. Two are physical prints, so they still  need labeled and shipped off. Two are digital entries and are currently in server-land some where. And I, am …

Thinking about IPC 2015…

Yet another IPC 2015 delaying tactic… my personal musings & Wootnessy thoughts… So, y’all are turning on the steam and getting it done. If you haven’t gotten your IPC entries finished, you’re in the middle of the end of it. Or maybe not. I’ve resigned myself to the impending, looming truth that I will be …