My IPC 2016 Challenge Entry: mandalas (a non-event album)

When I teach about photographic competition, I talk about utilizing it to challenge myself to learn a new skill, or improve upon a skill that I’m having trouble wrapping my head around. This year was no different. When I create a competition entry to specifically address a personal/skill weakness, I call it a “Challenge Entry”. …

Countdown to IPC 2016; What’s in *YOUR* Case?

  ***NOT SAFE for IPC 2016 JUDGES!!!!*** ***I repeat, if you are an IPC 2016 Juror, you need to turn back now!!!*** Well, howdy there! How have you been? If your life is anything like mine – you’ve been so busy you haven’t been able to take a breath. Or get your IPC entries done. …

Be more brave – Photographic competition and personal work

It’s been awhile. You and I. It’s almost like we’re having an affair, with how little we meet these days. I can give you all kinds of blah blah, but the honest truth is that I’ve been afraid. I’ve come to recognize that my hands are an extension of my heart when they’re poised over …

So, I applied to be a PPA Juror…

I had a couple of goals on my list for 2015 and there were a number of them that I didn’t hit. One of  them was to complete my minimum requirements to become a PPA affilated juror. Which I did. But having those requirements considered adequate was another story. To bring you up to speed, …

UPDATED! IPC 2016: Changes to the Photographic Competition Judging Process

***** Update Notes are italicized (thanks Dan & Francie for clarification help).***** As I write about photographic competition topics, I will put them under a header of IPC with whatever “competition year” we are in. That means that this topic pertains to anything that is going on from approximately September 1 through August 31, depending …